You’ll need to buy a domain name and hosting . I can help you get hosting at a better price.
Yes you can buy hosting from below button. If you buy for one year and more year, you’ll get domain name and SSL certificate free.
It’s Hostinger , one of the best hosting provider. Please read the below lines carefully then proceed
1. Click on the below given Orange Button and you’ll be redirected directly to right page.
2. As you scroll down, you’ll see 3 packages premium web hosting and Business web hosting. I recommend you to add Business web hosting plan to cart.

3. As You Click On Add To Cart, You Need To Select 1+ Year Options To Get A Free Domain

4. Important Note
Please remember the following:
If you buy hosting for one month, then you’ll not get domain name free for a year. You’ll need to buy domain name separately.
To get a free domain name for a year, you must buy hosting for one year or more. The longer period you select, the lesser price you pay for hosting.
That’s okay if you have domain name from another company. We can use that domain name too. You can use your free domain name for future projects.
5. Create your account Using email and password

6. You’ll See The Total Billing There. You Can Pay Using Your Debit Or Credit Cards

Thanks for guide
Step by step guide
Very simple
Can I help me to configure the hosting ?
Yes firstly you will need to buy hosting and then let me know we can help you.
Thanks for free guide
300% i recommended this guys he help you and give a lot of value
Thank you so much
Thanks for explaining in simple language
thanks so much for guiding me
thanks for guiding me